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02. 07. 2003

Popovic accuses Montogomery of lacking style

BELGRADE, July 2, 2003 – Vladimir "Beba" Popovic has appeared in an interview for state television Radio Television Serbia, declining to comment on the comments of US Ambassador William Montgomery, who insisted that he had been told by late PM Djindjic that Popovic was behind PINK's anti-B92 campaign. Popovic said only that quoting a dead man as a witness displayed a "lack of style". He said he did not know why Montgomery paid a visit to the offices of NIN, adding that the weekly is “anti-American, anti-Hague and anti-civilization”, and is being led by “personal friends and members of the Democratic Party of Serbia". Referring to his private lawsuits against a number of media companies, Popovic said he was protecting the politics defined when the democratic forces assumed power, which still exist in the Serbian Government. Popovic denied threatening journalist Gordana Susa, admitting only that he may have been "just a bit temperamental" during conversation with her.

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