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07. 07. 2003

Media owner watches his car explode

BELGRADE, July 7, 2003 -- The Mercedes 124 of Radisav Rodic, owner of dailies Glas javnosti and Kurir, exploded at around 10pm last night in front of Ljutice Bogdana Street's Avalica Restaurant. The car bomb missed its mark, with Rodic watching from the relative safety of the restaurant. Speaking to B92, the media owner said: "There was a loud detonation, I saw smoke. Waiters told me they saw two automobiles passing, one white, the other red, and that they stopped shortly. The explosion could be heard after 30 minutes". Identifying a culprit could prove difficult. Rodic said: "There are a lot of things, from the writings of Kurir and Glas javnosti, to unresolved financial relations of the Glas javnosti printer. I received a lot of threats; the one who made a large bill does not want to pay it". Rodic insisted that he has been threatened by "the authorities", although he declined to elaborate at this time. Belgrade police have confirmed that the damage at the blast site was considerable, but that no one was injured. An investigation is now underway.

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