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17. 07. 2003

Crawford to the media: “Hey guys! Calm down”

BELGRADE, 17 July, 2003 – Outgoing British Ambassador to Belgrade Charles Crawford has said that, as an OSCE member, his country supports this organisation’s insistence that the Serbian media must be democratised. Speaking to Radio B92, Crawford said that there are too many controversies in the relations between the media and the authorities: "The government and the media don’t always have to get along well and they shouldn’t get along well. “However, there are some boundaries and what is happening right now comes as yet another disappointment because the relationship with the media should not be controversial.” He continued: “This is a bad message. I think that, with our support, some changes will take place in Belgrade that will put an end to all this, because it is still happening, even three years on. I mean, guys, calm down”.

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