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09. 09. 2003

Council makes program recommendations

BELGRADE, September 9, 2003 – The Serbian Broadcast Agency Council on Monday forwarded programming recommendations to all television and radio stations for the implementation of the Broadcast Act and supplementary legal provisions. As noted in the statement, new broadcasters and the broadcasting of programs without licences has been banned since July last year. The fine for breach of this ranges from 50,000 to 200,000 dinars for companies and from 2,500 to 10,000 dinars for individuals. Broadcasters also have an obligation to clearly define their broadcasting and programs in a manner envisaged by the law. The statement goes on to say that broadcasters must observe programming content rules and that the Council would pay special attention to registered cases of banned advertising and particularly political promotions outside election campaigns. Broadcasters have been advised to bring their programming and advertising contracts into conformity with the Act’s provisions.

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