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16. 06. 2005


BELGRADE, June 16, 2005 – The Serbian Radical Party has announced taking legal actions against Natasa Kandic, director of the Humanitarian Law Center, for accusing party’s official Tomislav Nikolic of committing war crimes in Croatian village Antin. According to claims by HLC, current vice-president of the Serbian Radical Party Tomislav Nikolic was involved in war crimes committed in Antin in 1991 and in the beginning of 1992, when he was there serving as a volunteer. Secretary General of the Serbian Radical Party Aleksandar Vucic has also accused RTV B92 for supporting the campaign of HLC “against all that is Serbian and in interest of Serbia”. Vucic has strenuously criticized TV B92, accusing it of being “nothing more than an intelligence agency” that operated against its own people. Speaking for B92’s radio program “Kaziprst”, Natasa Kandic stated that “there is a reason to believe that some inhabitants of the village Antin were killed by Nikolic”. Nikolic has negated these claims saying that while he was in Antin, he did not wound or kill anyone.

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