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16. 06. 2005


BELGRADE, June 16, 2005 – According to the IREX Pro Media, a non-governmental organization, Serbia has the most poorly regulated media system in the entire region. “According to the index of free expression and professionalism in the media, Serbia is one of the nations which just barely meets the necessary criteria.” the Media Maintenance Index for 2004 shows. The index states that generally, the level of professionalism in Serbia has seen an increase, but that the level of professionalism in journalism and the media in general is worse off than it was in 2003. IREX Director for Media Development, Mark Whitehouse, told Voice of America that there is a problem in Serbia with receiving licenses and frequencies because of the work of the Broadcast Council, the privatization of local media and other spheres of media-related work. “In Serbia there is a core of professional independent media but there is much fear of the rising number of tabloid-like print media. Coverage of serious political news has decreased and a rise has been seen in the coverage of scandals in a tabloid-like fashion. A new form of political tabloid has been born in Serbia”, Whitehouse said.

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