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24. 06. 2005


PROKUPLJE, June 24, 2005 – Former chief of Toplica region and high official of the Socialist Party of Serbia Ratko Zecevic said that media in Serbia have been fabricating stories about him. Zecevic was proposed for the Kursumlija Deputy Public Prosecutor by the High Judicial Council. Zecevic however accuses certain media of biased reporting and fabricating stories on his nominations for the Deputy Public Prosecutor. “The way RTV B92 has presented me to the public when I got the consent of the High Judicial Council and the untruths it had stated, I consider it to be Nedic’s occupational media”, Zecevic said. He said that the reporting of certain media on his appointment was part of the campaign against him, adding that he had applied for that position just because he had officiated conscientiously in the past period in all his public positions. Ratko Zecevic is known for the series of incident situations, the most drastic one being the shooting at the meeting of the Alliance for Changes in the center of Serbia’s southern town Prokuplje. Zecevic said that the incident was presented in the wrong light by some media, claiming that he was forced to do it. “I think that my action was right that day. I had acted as a man who wanted to protect an old and helpless person, and I don’t have anything to be ashamed of. I also think I have not discredited myself in any way”, said Zecevic. Dragan Dobrasinovic however says that the announced appointment of Zecevic for the Deputy Public Prosecutor was mere part of the compromise between the Serbian Government and the Socialist Party of Serbia. “It could be the price which the Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica pays for his cooperation with the SPS”, said Dobrasinovic. Beside the Head of Toplica region, Zecevic was also the Secretary of the Ministry for local self-government, and one of very few trusted persons close to Slobodan Milosevic, Ljiljana Danilovic reported for B92.

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