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24. 06. 2005


NOVI SAD, June 24, 2005 – Professor at the Belgrade University’s Faculty of Political Sciences Bogoljub Milosavljevic said that the Serbian police started to close again their communication with the media. “It seems that, as new Serbian Government stepped into power, the police have started to communicate with the media only through press releases”, said Milosavljevic at the round table “Media and Police”, held in Novi Sad. “The police had started to open toward the media during 2001 and 2002, but always in line with the aspiration of the political power”, said Milosavljevic. Spokesperson of the Novi Sad police Stevan Krstic pointed out that the tabloids in Serbia often published unchecked information on the work of the police. “By publishing such information, these tabloids are on the best track to self-destruction. One day, when you finally have the right information, the right thing – no one will believe you”, said Milos Vasic, journalist of weekly Vreme.

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