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25. 06. 2005


PRISTINE, June 25, 2005 – Journalist of “Bota sot” Bardilj Ajeti died in the Italian hospital where he was medically treated after the attack. Ajeti was attacked on June 3, 2005 near the village Bresalce in East Kosovo. Ajeti (28) suffered a heavy head injury. An unknown perpetrator fired from a moving car at Ajeti driving in his vehicle past Bresalce near Gnjilane. “After receiving medical treatment in the Clinical center, Ajeti was transferred to the hospital in Milano, Italy, where he died of his injuries”, editor of “Bota sot” Gani Mehmetaj told Beta news agency. Ajeti, close to Ibrahim Rugova’s Democratic Alliance of Kosovo, is the second murdered journalist of the daily “Bota sot”, after Bekim Kastrati, who was assassinated in 2001. The Gnjilane police arrested on June 16 one person under suspicion of committing a crime of attempted murder of Ajeti, but had released the suspect after the interrogation.

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