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27. 06. 2005


BELGRADE, June 27, 2005 – The Free Access to Public Information Act is one of the most important tools of the public to control the authorities. Its enforcement was long awaited by all who advocate the transparency of the regime. Rodoljub Sabic, a Public Information Commissioner, said in the exclusive interview for “Clean Hands” that the implementation of this act means great persistence, initiative and fight against one of the biggest obstacles – ignorance. It took eight months since the adoption of the Public Information Act to elect the Public Information Commissioner as an independent body and to set up his offices where he is still the only one employed. Asked to comment on the fact that Serbia had waited long for the adoption of the Act appointment of the Information Commissioner, Sabic said that majority of countries in transition have experienced similar problems with the implementation of new acts that are already enforced by democratic countries, and that transitional governments adopt legislations easier than implement them. The Serbian authorities in general show the absence of readiness to implement the act, but no one can be sure without specific proofs. All one could say is that it is possible such motives exist, and that should be something to think about”, said Rodic.

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