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07. 07. 2005


BELGRADE, July 7, 2005 – Six months after being appointed, the Serbia’s Commissioner for Public Information Rodoljub Sabic has been given an office. Since being appointed by the parliament and after several complaints that he had no telephone, computer and basic resources for work, Sabic has finally been given the office allocated to implementing the Free Access to Information Act. The legislation was touted by all democratic parties in last year’s election campaign as being one of the most important anti-corruption measures, giving all citizens the right to monitor the work of the government and its bodies. “As in other countries, the legislation provides for areas of information to which access must by and large be restricted, but a reason must be given for this, and if the person seeking information is not satisfied, he may then apply to the commissioner”, said Sabic in the Radio B92’s Kaziprst. Numbers of the Public Commissioner’s office in 42, Svetozara Markovica Street in Belgrade are 011 268 11 37 and 011 268 12 55.

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