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12. 07. 2005


PODGORICA, July 12, 2005 – According to the staff of the Podgorica daily Dan and the police, an explosive device was found in front of its building last night. The Podgorica police confirmed that the device marked as rocket manual launcher was found last night. “It is true the explosive device was found in a bag left in front of the building of daily Dan”, said the Deputy Chief of Security Center in Podgorica Milan Tomic. The examining magistrate of the Podgorica Court Dejan Dragovic stated that no one had been brought in for hearing by the police. Dragovic however confirmed to the Beta News Agency that the police investigations were underway but that he had not been informed on the eventual suspects. Today’s edition of the daily reported that the surveillance camera in the building recorded an unidentified, hooded individual leaving the bag with the explosive device in front of the ads department. According to the reports, the device was marked as RBP 64 mm M80, in “transport-ready” position. Deputy Chief of the Security Center in Podgorica Milan Tomic told Beta News Agency that the police had undertaken all necessary measures to determine the origin of the explosive device and identify the individual who had left it in front of the daily Dan newsroom.

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