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19. 07. 2005


PANCEVO, July 19, 2005 – RTV Pancevo received an anonymous written message saying that “it would be punished for ‘celebrating’ the Srebrenica massacre”. The message was written on the back of the Serbian Radical Party’s leaflet that called on the meeting in Pancevo in 2002. “You are celebrating the decade of the Soros’ betrayal, and now you will be punished – for mere trifle, again for Soros”, the message said, alluding on the upcoming privatization of electronic media. High official of the Radical Party in Pancevo and MP Bozidar Koprivica denied all connections of the threatening message to his party. Koprivica has accused RTV Pancevo, at the last week’s session of the local government, to be “anti-Serb”, because it broadcast the news on the commemoration of the massacre in Srebreica, but refused to show the film about the killings of the Serbian population in the past wars, which the Serbian Radical Party premiered in the Belgrade “Sava” Center.

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