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20. 07. 2005


BELGRADE, July 20, 2005 – “The subscription for Radio Television Serbia, envisaged by the Broadcast Act 2002, will be introduced in September, due to the transformation of this broadcaster into a public service”, said yesterday president of the Broadcast Agency Council Nenad Cekic. “A public service broadcaster must not be financed from the budget. Otherwise, the government would control it, and that is the reason why the subscription is introduced”, said Cekic, adding that this would provide financial independence to the service and unable political control. “The citizens have been paying TV subscription through the tax, but they were unable to determine how much it was. Possibly, it was even more than the subscription they will pay now”, said Cekic. “The subscription will be charged 210 dinars (2.5 Euros) per household, as envisaged by the Act. However, the Act also envisages the adjustment of fees according to the price rises to 300 dinars (3.5 Euros).” “Although the subscription is to start from September 1, RTS will be financed from the budget until the end of the year. The transformation should be concluded by spring 2006, upon which RTS would seize to be under the Government’s jurisdiction. The Broadcast Council will appoint the station’s Managing Board, which would then elect its president”, Cekic explained. According to him, RTS as a public service broadcaster will sign a contract with one of the public companies for collection of subscriptions. This public company will be obliged to transfer the money collected in the name of subscriptions to the account of the public service broadcaster. The subscription is mandatory and will also be charged for all receivers in vehicles around 440 dinars a year (around 5 Euros). This way, the number of subscribers will also be determined.

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