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03. 08. 2005


BELGRADE, August 3, 2005 – The highest rated television station in Serbia in the first seven months of this year is RTV Pink, with RTS’ Program 1 and TV BK following. According to results of the survey of AGB Nielsen Media Research, RTV Pink was the most watched television station from January to July with 22.5 percent of total audience share, followed by the RTS with 21.7 percent and TV BK with 11.4 percent of audience share. TV B92 is in forth place with 6.9 percent, followed by the Program 2 of RTS with 6.3 and RTS Program 3 with 3.8 percent. All other television stations with coverage on the territory of Serbia had less than 1.5 percent of total audience share, said AGB Director Darko Brocic. The best rated television show during those seven months was the TV Pink’s coverage of the soccer game between the national teams of Serbia-Montenegro and Spain on March 30, with the average audience share of 27.5 percent. Second best was the last episode of the soap “Ruby” broadcast on TV Pink on January 29, with the average ratings of 23.5 percent, while RTS 1 News 2 on January 6 was third with 22.2 percent of average share. RTS 1 had the highest daily share during the first seven months with 3,948,000 viewers on average. TV Pink had 3,762,000 viewers, BK 3,257,000, RTS 2 2,876,000, B92 2,587,000 and RTS 3 2,303,000 viewers. TV Pink was watched 119 minutes a day, RTS 1 – 110 minutes, BK 70, RTS 2 43 and RTS 3 – 33 minutes a day. All research data were based on results measured by peoplemeters installed in 890 households on the territory of Serbia without Kosovo.

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