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10. 08. 2005


BELGRADE, August 10, 2005 – The draft amendments to the Broadcast Act envisage the extension of deadline for privatisation of radio and TV stations founded by local governments to the end of 2008. The government explained that the current deadline, which expires in July next year, have become unrealistic, adding that “for some reason, the process of privatisation of these local media is back at square one”. The professional organisations believe that the proposed changes to the Act would not only delay the regulation of chaos in the media sphere, but would also imperil electronic media. The Association of Independent Serbian Journalists (IJAS), the Association of Independent Electronic Media (ANEM) and Media division of the Nezavisnost Trade Union stated that the government would maintain control over the broadcast field by postponing the privatisation of local electronic media. The three organisations warned to the obvious intention of certain politicians to use local stations as their mouthpiece. Other media organisations as well warn that media should be freed from the state interference and influence (except for the public service broadcaster) since it is in opposition to the international standards.

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