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10. 08. 2005


NOVI SAD, August 10, 2005 – The Association of Independent Vojvodina Journalists (NDNV) protested over the draft amendments to the Broadcast Act, noting that it was just another bad step which would only delay the long awaited regulation of chaotic broadcasting sphere. The proposed changes would postpone the transformation of RTV Novi Sad into a provincial public service broadcaster one more time. NDNV reminded that the balance between RTV Belgrade and RTV Novi Sad was divided, which was just one of the reasons why the transformation of RTV Novi Sad should not be further delayed. NDNV also protested against the intention of the legislators to revoke the power of veto of Vojvodina representative in the Broadcast Council, stressing that it would deprive Vojvodina of any power in the Council. The association stated that such intention only proved the government’s lack of understanding for the specific problems of the province as a multi-ethnic environment. The amendment which would extend the deadline for privatisation of local media to the end of 2008 was also unacceptable, said in the statement of the association. There is a reasonable doubt that the authorities want to use media as their mouthpiece in pre-electoral and other campaigns, said in the statement.

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