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16. 08. 2005


BELGRADE, August 16, 2005 – RTS Director General Aleksandar Tijanic has filed a legal complaint against Biljana Kovacevic-Vuco, director of the Legal Committee for Human Rights (YUKOM) for alleged “series of criminal acts” conducted by publishing of the book titled “The case of Public Servant Aleksandar Tijanic”. The book, published by YUKOM few months ago, was presented as the first in the series of publications from “Against the Oblivion” edition, consisting of a great number of quotations “gathered from public opus” of Aleksandar Tijanic. One of many reasons for filing legal complaint against Vuco was the publication of segments of Tijanic’s articles, which he never agreed to. “The book is full of serious insults and libel on my account. One of its parts presented the minutes from the parliamentary sessions which was stolen from the government’s archives and was a classified document. I guess the minutes were stolen from the archive by the famous friend of mafia and Vuco’s insider, the same one Vuco is now defending in the court. However, if Serbia is at all legal state, I believe that Vuco will soon end up in behind the bars”, said Tijanic. Commenting on the charges against her, Biljana Kovacevic-Vuco told Belgrade daily Danas that there were no solid grounds for it. She said that Tijanic’s call on authorship rights was absolutely arbitrary since the book contained the parts of articles which had been already published and for which YUKOM did not have to ask approval.

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