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16. 08. 2005


BELGRDE, August 16, 2005 – B92 director Veran Matic has written to Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica over the threats and insults aimed at the company and himself by Capital Investment Minister Velimir Ilic and his spin doctor Petar Lazovic. Matic has demanded that the prime minister explain the behavior of his coalition partner and cabinet minister clearly to the public. The latest attack of the minister Ilic, this time on B92, has been condemned by the professional and media organisations, together with many political parties, except Ilic’s party New Serbia which opposed the “media campaign” against its leader. On the other hand, the case of Marko Milosevic has divided the ruling coalition. In his letter to Vojislav Kostunica, the director of RTV B92 noted that the insults and treats were a response to a legitimate question of concern to the public, which has the right to know all the circumstances surrounding the withdrawal of charges, after five years, against the son of Slobodan Milosevic, Marko. “I want to point out to the prime minister that the reaction of Minister Ilic and his media advisor, for which many organisations have already made statements condemning them, was not only a lapse of taste, or incompetence in relations with the media. It is utterly clear which political milieu has the idea that those who think differently and in undesirable ways must be sent into exile or a sanatorium”, said Matic. “Personally, I expect you to seek Minister Ilic’s resignation because of this attack. Your failure to respond will be a clear message that you accept and support this kind of communication between the most important bodies of authority and the media”, Matic said in the letter to Kostunica. Ilic had earlier described reports that he had intervened in the withdrawal of charges against Marko Milosevic as ridiculous and said that certain media had given unnecessary attention to the story. In setting out his position, Ilic used language which the public is not accustomed to hearing from cabinet ministers. Serbian President Boris Tadic said he was unhappy about the behavior of the capital investment minister and his verbal attack on B92. “Primitivism and arrogance must not be characteristics displayed in government service, and such behavior must not be allowed to distract attention from the need for the public to learn the truth about Ilic’s involvement in the withdrawal of charges against Marko Milosevic”, said Tadic in a statement.

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