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16. 08. 2005


BELGRADE, August 16, 2005 – Reactions of journalists’ associations to the latest outburst of minister Ilic were far less cautious than the response from the political parties. President of the Independent Association of Serbian Journalists (IJAS) Nebojsa Bugarinovic said that it was the job of journalists to ask questions which lead to a full understanding of controversial issues and described Ilic’s response to this as unacceptable: “What he demonstrates really goes beyond all boundaries of elementary and honorable activities. I think that this kind of relationship is at best shameful and I believe that the government must take stock about the way in which its ministers behave with information resources”, said Bugarinovic, adding that this was not the first time that Ilic had behaved this way towards journalists. Independent Association of Vojvodina Journalists was “disgusted” but not surprised by the attack of capital investment minister Velimir Ilic on journalists and editors of B92. “Considering the psycho-physical condition of minister Ilic and his closest associates, it is possible that future attacks would go beyond the verbal, particularly if we know that Ilic had beaten journalists in front of cameras before”, said NDNV in a statement. The Association of Independent Electronic Media (ANEM) has also sought Ilic’s dismissal and called on the Serbian Government to clearly condemn the statements of both the minister and his media advisor Petar Lazovic. The Association also called on all professional journalism associations at home and abroad, free media organisations, all political parties, together with the Serbian Parliament and Government to stand behind journalists and make it possible for them to work normally. In a statement, the Association described the attacks as the most extraordinary public vulgarity and serious threats. Chairman of the ANEM Managing Board Slobodan Stojsic said the atmosphere of lynching has been created, in which everything was allowed, from gender-based insults to death threats. “I hope the Serbian Government and its president would respond to this and would demand Ilic’s dismissal. Their failure to respond will be a clear message that they accept and support this kind of communication with the media”, said Stojsic. President of the Association of Serbian Journalists (JAS) Nino Brajovic said that he expected only apologies and not explanations after such Ilic’s behavior. “Capital Investments Minister is a member of the important bodies of authority and must represent the state, not only his political party. Does this mean that if a citizen or a journalist puts a provocative question, he would be submitted to a psychiatric treatment? The minimum we expect after this incident is an apology to all journalists and the Serbian public.” Editor of TV Production VIN Gordana Susa said it would be legitimate to demand Ilic’s dismissal after these incidents. “Velimir Ilic could not practice politics in a normal country unless he finished some sort of course for good behavior. However, he just speaks out loud what Kostunica’s government systematically does, and by that I mean the constant amnesty of Milosevic, his family, associates and all their ill-doings. It is the most direct attack on the dignity of a million Serbian citizens who brought down Milosevic, as a symbol of evil, from the power.”

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