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22. 08. 2005


BELGRADE, August 22, 2005 (Glas Javnosti) – Serbian Culture Minister Dragan Kojadinovic confirmed to daily Glas Javnosti that has let go advisor and rock singer for comments made against B92 to the media. “Unfortunately, this is unavoidable, because Bora, regardless of having the right to a personal opinion, cannot speak like that while holding such a position. He can comment on the work of the media, but that is another topic. I respect him as a person and musician, but what he did as an advisor is unacceptable. We haven’t had the chance to talk about it during the weekend, but we will talk today. I wouldn’t want to jump to any conclusions, but I think the government will soon declare its position. However, after such comments made by Bora Djordjevic, I do not think that he belongs in the government any longer”, Kojadinovic said. Bora Djordjevic, who had applauded Ilic’s behavior with “Good on you, Velja!” and called B92 journalists “treacherous beasts”, told the Belgrade daily that he was already aware that his dismissal was being discussed. “I don’t really care. I stand behind every word I said and I think that Velimir was too mild with his words. If I was in his position I probably would have said something even sharper”, Djordjevic said.

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