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25. 08. 2005


BELGRADE, August 25, 2005 (B92) – The Serbian Radical Party used the parliamentary stand to attack B92 again. Deputy Chief of the MPs of the Serbian Radical Party in the Serbian Parliament Aleksandar Vucic accused B92 of lying at the parliamentary stand today. “Announcing the coverage of the court trial to Slobodan Milosevic, the B92 journalist said the viewers would see how Milosevic’s witness Vojislav Seselj had accused Kostunica of having paramilitary formations, which is preposterous“, said Vucic, adding that journalists of B92 lie. B92 has denied all accusations saying that the special reporter of this television station from the Hague Milos Milic presented, like he did every morning, process oversights from the previous day. “Believe it or not, this morning the discussion will be about the paramilitary formations of Vojislav Kostunica”, announced Milic. Reporter and editor of the Process TV on B92 had never, not at any point in his coverage, said that Seselj told the court that Kostunica had paramilitary formation. Indeed, the witness Seselj had never said that, which the viewers of the court trial could clearly see and hear in direct coverage that followed.

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