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30. 08. 2005


BELGRADE, August 30, 2005 (Beta) – Serbian Parliament has passed today amendments to the Broadcasting Law which stipulate extension of the deadline for transformation of the Radio Television of Serbia (RTS) into a public service, as well as for privatization of broadcast media belonging to institutions of local self-government. Out of all representatives, 128 voted for the proposal, with only one vote against. Oppositional Serbian Radical Party and Democratic Party were against changes to the law. These amendments specify that the deadline for the privatization of RTS and its transformation into a republic and provincial public service, which has expired on January 1, 2003, is to be prolonged until March 30, 2006. The bill states that, pending the beginning of activity of the Broadcasting Institution of Serbia and Broadcasting Institution of Vojvodina, the public company RTS will collect a radio television subscription which is to be paid together with electricity bills as of October 1. The Government of Serbia will establish a special transitional fund with financial resources necessary for transformation of the state television until the end of the deadline for transformation of RTS into a public service. Deadline for privatization of broadcast media belonging to institutions of local government has also been extended until December 31, 2007. The original deadline expired in July this year. Members of the Broadcasting Agency's Council nominated by the parliamentary board will have a six years' term in office. Members nominated by the Parliament of Vojvodina, universities and churches will have a term of five years in office, while representatives of non-governmental organizations and professional associations will have a term of four years. Amendments to the law have annulled the right to veto previously exercised by the Vojvodina's member of the republic Broadcasting Agency's Council regarding all decisions related to the province. Fines for radio piracy and related offenses have been increased to between 300.000 and one million dinars from the previous level of 50.000 to 200.000 dinars. Fines for responsible persons within a legal entity which commit the offense will be 20.000 to 50.000 dinars, up from the previous level of 2.500 to 10.000 dinars. The Broadcasting Law has been adopted in July 2002.

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