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02. 09. 2005


BELGRADE, September 2, 2005 (Danas) – A regular meeting point for Belgrade and foreign journalists, popular Media Center Belgrade has reopened it doors at the new location in the Sava Center. Executive director of the Media Center, Vladan Radosavljevic, said yesterday at the official opening that a “third” Media Center has offered its services to journalists and the media. At least two other Media Centers existed – first in 25 Knez Mihajlova street, and second at the Republic Square – which is why this one in Sava Center was called the third Media Center, explained Radovanovic and promised that the center will continue to work professionally in all media related areas. New, bigger premises will allow Media Center to develop commercial activities. Owing to the support from the Assembly of the City of Belgrade and Sava Center, it has been able to move into new business premises under very favorable conditions. The new Media Center now has a total area of 1.600 square meters with three halls, the biggest one of them having around 350 square meters sufficient for 400 guests. This space, said Radovanovic, will be used for large gatherings and promotions, while the other, smaller, room will be used for everyday press conferences. The smallest room is ideal for small events and various lessons and courses. The halls are fully equipped with modern systems for simultaneous translation, presentations and video conferences which will make possible upstream of pictures and sounds from Belgrade to Vienna, for example, or any other part of the world. Although the media probably won't like a new remote location outside the city center, Radosavljevic points out that some media began moving to New Belgrade. As an aside, no one will have to worry about finding a parking place any more. Media Center, together with objects like the business center Usce, Belgrade Arena or the Jugopetrol building, will become a new business center in Belgrade. Media Center is shifting its orientation towards new commercial activities, working with companies, promotions and presentations. Of course, we will not withdraw from our earlier activities – monitoring and professionalization of the media, as well as all other services we've been offering to the media, explained Vladan Radosavljevic for Danas. Relocation of the Media Center has been completed successfully, he pointed out, with excellent cooperation and help from the Belgrade Assembly and Sava Center, who are at the moment working hard to promote the new center. Having in mind that most of the major events, conferences, seminars and round tables were held in the Sava Center, a journalist from Danas asked if the Media Center and Sava Center will be rivals from now on. Vladan Radosavljevic pointed out that it has been agreed that Media Center would serve as Sava Center's media service. Although the new journalistic center began working only yesterday, already two press conferences are to be held today. Announcements will be delivered to more than a thousand addresses, notifying clients about the services available at the new premises of the Media Center.

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