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02. 09. 2005


BELGRADE, September 02, 2005 (FoNet) – “Srpski nacional” daily is the newspaper that most flagrantly violates all the rules of ethics in journalism, says Dragan Janjic. The professional norms of journalism in Serbia are not adhered to, the trend of media tabloidisation continues, and such model is being dictated by the Serbian political elite. This is the conclusion from the August report of the Media Center Press Council. Dragan Janjic, Special Rapporteur of the Council said that during August the Council dealt with harsh verbal attacks made by the Minister for Capital Investments Velimir Ilic on B92 reporter and the fact that much of the media and politicians followed Ilic’s example, as well as the fact that Ilic applied pressure on the Serbian judiciary system. “The attack was treated in the press more like a scandal that would help boost the sales of the newspaper, rather than as a case that both society and the journalists should treat with more seriousness”, said Janjic. He added that the case was closed by the statement that “…the Minister is, well, just the way he is”. Janjic mentioned “Srpski nacional” daily newspaper as an example of the newspaper which flagrantly and in the most open manner violated all the rules of ethics in journalism. “Daily “Nacional” is the living proof that disorder and anarchy rule the Serbian media scene, where there are no limits to what can be published”, said Janjic.

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