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30. 08. 2005


BELGRADE, August 30, 2005 (Beta) - Electric Power Industry of Serbia (EPS) is not very enthusiastic about the idea of using electricity bills to collect TV subscription for RTS after October 1, but it will abide by the government's decision, says the company. EPS told Beta that more specific details will be known after a meeting between representatives of EPS and RTS which is to be held in few days to discuss the collection of subscription. Sources from EPS explained that they were not very enthusiastic about the new method of collection of TV subscription. They believe that it is not a good solution for the Electric Power Industry of Serbia because it will lower the percentage of citizens paying their electricity bills, which has been experienced in earlier attempt to tie together electricity and TV subscription. According to the latest information from EPS, consumers owe EPS more than 40 billion dinars (about 500 million euros) in unpaid electricity bills. Because of consumers’ debt, but also because of the current price per kWh which amounts to 3,4 eurocents, EPS warns that the company suffers a loss and is unable to cover its expenses and invest in ecological protection. "Average annual price per kWh should be around 4,6 eurocents to enable us to be profitable again and cover our expenses, while the proper ecological protection would require the annual price to reach a level of 6 eurocents", claims EPS. Representatives of EPS added that collection of TV subscription together with electricity bills would mean additional work and man-hours for EPS, which is contrary to demands that public companies should be restructured and slimmed down. Minister of Culture Dragan Kojadinovic announced yesterday that citizens of Serbia will have to pay around 300 dinars for TV subscription together with their electricity as of October 1, pointing out that it will not jeopardize EPS' business. Kojadinovic explained that EPS will have a separate bank transfer account to be used for collection of TV subscription, which will be settled by agreement between two public companies. "Payment of TV subscription together with electricity bills is the least bad solution, because all citizens have electricity, but not everyone pays for communal services or a phone line, said the Minister of Culture.

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