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07. 09. 2005


BELGRADE, September 7, 2005 - Monday, September 5th, Radio Broadcast Service B92 received a letter containing threats to its director Veran Matic. The letter threatened both B92's editor-in-chief, but also his family and business associates. This was yet another letter out of many threatening letters signed with "The Serbian Liberation Regiment". Similar threats were expressed in a letter received two days earlier by an activist from the Otpor organisation, Momcilo Veljkovic, the organisation's coordinator from Pozarevac, the contents of which were published in "Blic" daily newspaper. The letter was identical in vocabulary and handwriting. Matic filed a criminal complaint against the unknown letter-writer yesterday in Belgrade's First Municipal Prosecutor's Office. B92 expects the response of the Prosecutor's office and others responsible for disclosing the identity of perpetrators and bringing charges against them.

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