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08. 09. 2005


BELGRADE, September 8, 2005 - ANEM and UNS have protested about the threats made to B92 director Veran Matic and editor of OK Radio in Vranje Sasa Stojkovic. The Serbian Association of Journalists (UNS) requested from the state agencies to protect Matic and Stojkovic and assessed the threats to Stojkovic as unacceptable. "UNS demands from local authorities, police and administration of justice to do everything in their power to prevent such example of inadmissible communication by the representatives of government and journalists", UNS states. The statement of the Association of the Independent Electronic Media reminded that in many threat cases the perpetrators "by rule remain undiscovered, which only makes them more insolent and ruthless". A firm and responsible action is required from those in charge, which should show that anonymous death threats made to journalists, activists of non-governmental sectors and members of their families are unacceptable in Serbia. ANEM reminds that the editor of the news programme from Vranje's OK Radio Sasa Stojkovic stated yesterday that he was verbally abused and received threats that he would be beaten by the members of the Serbian Radical Party from Vranje, and that two days ago, "Blic" daily newspaper published an article where the Otpor activist from Pozarevac, Momcilo Veljkovic, received an anonymous letter with a death threat. The statement also pointed to the fact that the letter "used the same handwriting" as in letters signed with "The Serbian Liberation Regiment" and sent to B92 director Veran Matic, as well as that those threats extended to Matic's family and his business associates. DS have condemned such assaults on B92, and most strongly condemned the threats to B92's director and editor-in-chief Veran Matic, his family and associates. DS warns that such behaviour towards media is inadmissible in democratic societies and called upon all those in charge to disclose the identity of those behind the "The Serbian Liberation Regiment" organisation as soon as possible.

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