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13. 09. 2005


BELGRADE, September 13, 2005 – The Hague Tribunal has indicted two Croatian journalists Josip Jovic and Marijan Krizic for obstructing the work of the tribunal in the legal proceedings against Blaskic. Jovic, the editor-in-chief of “Slobodna Dalmacija” newspaper and Krizic, editor-in-chief of Croatian weekly “Croatian letter”, are charged for revealing the identity of the protected witness who appeared in court as witness for the prosecution in the case against Croatian Army General Tihomil Blaksic. The two journalists were also charged for divulging parts of the evidence. Jovic and Krisic will give statements on September 26, if brought to The Hague by that date. The tribunal had previously indicted former Chief of the Croatian Intelligence Service, General Markica Rebic, editor and publisher of the “Croatian letter” Stjepan Seselj and Domagoj Margetic, as well as journalist Ivica Marijacic for the same felony. Envisaged punishment for not respecting the court is up to seven years imprisonment, up to 100,000 euros or both fines combined.

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