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13. 09. 2005


BELGRADE, September 13, 2005 – Director of Radio Television Serbia Aleksandar Tijanic told Belgrade daily Danas that he had filed legal complaint against Vladan Batic for libel. “In Law, libel is usually hiding behind the criminal complaint. I don’t want to go into details of business conduct of the station. That is court’s job now. Batic mentioned 70 million euros of damages to RTS in the market worth only 50 million. He said it was done within six or eight months, which means that around 500,000 euros were missing daily. Only a lawyer from Obrenovac can say something like that. There’s nothing more to be said further, and it’s all up to the court now. This former minister of justice, who demanded introduction of death penalty during the Saber action in Serbia, said that I need to prove before the court that I did not conduct business damaging to RTS. It is rather he who will have to prove that I have conducted damaging businesses. I expect my lawyer will teach him a lesson”, said the first man of the national television.

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