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23. 09. 2005


NOVI SAD, September 23, 2005 – Journalist Hilda Eremic died yesterday while reporting from the Vojvodina Parliament. Hilda Eremic was reporting from the press conference held by the deputy speaker of the Vojvodina Parliament Sandor Egeresi. TV Novi Sad journalist approached Egeresi after the conference to get a statement, and collapsed. Colleagues and staff in the Parliament House tried to assist her, until the ambulance came and took her to the Institute for Cardiovascular diseases. The journalists later reported that Eremic died after suffering a heart attack. President of the Vojvodina Parliament Bojan Kostres sent a telegram of condolences to the Radio Novi Sad and Hilda Eremic’s family. “I share your grief for Hilda, who was a dear friend and professional. She covered almost all events in the Parliament. Unfortunately, her life ended there too”, said Kostres.

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