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25. 09. 2005


SOMBOR, September 25, 2005 – TV B92 journalist Pedja Obradovic is the winner of the Grand Prix “Laza Kostic” at the International Reportage Festival “Interfer 2005” in Sombor. Obradovic was awarded for the TV program “Whose country is this”. The transcript of the program can be found on the website dedicated to the tenth commemoration of the “Storm” action. In the category of the coverage in print media, “The Golden Charter” went to Momir Turudic for the article “Fear of the Exiled” published in weekly Vreme. In the category of TV coverage, the Golden Charter of the “Interfer 2005” went to Miljan Vitomirovic, for the reportage titled “The Return of the Pannonian Sea” in the production of TV Apolo from Novi Sad. In all three categories – print, radio and TV coverage, journalists were awarded silver and bronze charters of “Interfer 2005”, as well as diplomas for participation. The award for life achievement went to Belgrade sports journalist Marko Markovic. Members of the jury of the Festival – editor-in-chief of Radio Belgrade Dusan Radulovic, RTS producer Sinisa Aleksic and director and editor-in-chief of daily Dunataj Istvan Virtag – assessed around 150 reportages nominated for the Festival. “Interfer 2005” was organized by RTV Spektar from Sombor.

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