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29. 09. 2005


BELGRADE, September 29, 2005 – State bodies still do not understand their responsibilities, while, on the other hand, the citizens are not aware they have the right to information. The discussion on implementation of the Free Access to Public Information Act was organized for promotion of the International Right to Know Day. The Public Information Commissioner Rodoljub Sabic said the vast number of complaints he had received was regarding the reluctance of the administrative bodies to provide information to citizens. “This information is very indicative, since it shows that the authorities still do not perceive the essence of the legislation. There’s no logic in Commissioner’ implementing the law and bringing 100, 200 or 10.000 decisions which would order the authorities to do something. The Commissioner needs to act more in educational sphere, to interpret the law, to solve only exceptional and problematic situations, while the authorities need to grant access to information of importance to citizens and media”, said Sabic. According to Sabic, a total of 79 out of 122 complaints were resolved mostly by sending the decision to appropriate authorities to ensure access to information. President of the Transparency Serbia Vladimir Goati saw the lack awareness of common citizens of their rights as a big problem. “Just a bit over one third of people know they have certain rights. Not only people, but also the state officials and bodies, are not aware of their rights and obligations”, said Goati. Goati also said the Free Access to Public Information Act was a key link in fighting the corruption and warned of attempts of feigning the legislation by giving the authority body too much work or electing the body of importance too late, which would make the implementation of the legislation impossible.

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