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05. 10. 2005


BELGRADE, October 5, 2005 – October 5 is not just the date that marks the Serbian democratic revolution, it also celebrates the creation of the youngest national television in the Serbian media sphere. Democratic changes in October 2000 also brought TV B92 on air. The then TV production of Radio B92 started broadcasting during the mass demonstrations in Belgrade. The news program was mainly prepared and recorded in Belgrade, edited in rented private apartments and then distributed to local stations ANEM members throughout Serbia by bus. “TV B92 is currently very competitive on the media market, recruiting new viewers each day with its commercial program”, says TV B92 director, Veran Matic. “Throughout the years we have managed to preserve our trend, our brand and name of B92. The quantity of educational program broadcast in prime time only proves that B92 can deal with the topics of science and nature, and make them commercial at the same time.” TV B92 will broadcast its special program on five-year anniversary of the television tonight. The program will recap the creation of TV B92 in the zenith of the revolution and democratic changes on October 5, 2000, and the most important and most dramatic events that marked the last half decade of Serbian history. The program will also remind viewers on the popular programs of the television, such as “TV Maniac” and “Cyclotron”.

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