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10. 10. 2005


ZRENJANIN, October 10, 2005 – Subscribers of the cable network in Zrenjanin have been unable to watch the first program of the national television RTS for several days now. The reason for this was the tiff between the cable network operator SBB and RTS’ bureau in Zrenjanin. The notice on company’s info-channel said that “RTS 1 was excluded from the system due to sabotage and obstruction of work of SBB by the RTS staffers. The workers of SBB were denied access to the roof of ‘Water Tower’ and the company’s antenna system.” The company SBB was forced to cut coverage of RTS 1 after the incident on Thursday, October 4, when several unidentified persons demolished the antennas on the roof, accessible only by the RTS employees, said in the notice. The problems of tenancy and use of offices in the business building of Water Tower in Zrenjanin allegedly last for quite some time. RTS and SBB signed the agreement on the use, with an adequate compensation, of the roof of the tallest building in Zrenjanin, where antennas of the cable network are located. The hub office of SBB is also located on the tenth floor of this building, while RTS has offices on eleventh. In order to have access to their antennas on the roof, the SBB staff must get special authorization from the state television.

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