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11. 10. 2005


NOVI SAD, October 11, 2005 – The Vojvodina Information Secretariat has called the tender for technical and technological equipment of media. The call is open for all municipal or local print and electronic media in Vojvodina. The total budget is 25.2 million dinars. The call further specifies that 12.6 million dinars will be intended for technical and technological improvement of work of organisations that publish newspaper or produce and broadcast radio or TV program. Public non-profit companies and organisations will get 3.24 million, while 9.36 million is intended for public companies. Envisaged deadline for applications is 15 days. The application for competition must be accompanied with the project proposal, which outlines the program objectives and priorities for technical and technological equipping. The beneficiary is obliged to use the allocated funds only for the purposes specified in the project, while the unspent funds must be returned to the Vojvodina budget.

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