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15. 10. 2005


BELGRADE, October 15, 2005 – On Friday, October 13, over 80 thousand people visited the website of B92 and opened over one million pages. It is believed that the reason for such a great number of visitors was the big success of the Serbia-Montenegro football team. However, people also visited all other segments of the station’s website: Photo gallery was opened over 300.000 times, sports pages over 200.000, news around 100.000, and the forum more than 80.000 thousand viewings. For a long period of time the B92 website has been the most visited site in Serbian language. One of the indicators were the ratings of the Alex.com, according to which the B92 site occupies very high 2.417th position in the category of all world sites. This also makes it the top ranked site of the South East Europe. On Google’s world sites popularity scale from 1 to 10, the website of B92 was graded 7. “Time” magazine, for example, is marked with eight on the same scale of Google. The survey of the internet search engine Pogodak.co.yu also showed that the contents of the website of B92 were the most requested. For the upcoming period, the editors of the B92 website will introduce new topics, such as the car of the year, more features on health, wellness, travel destinations and topics of interest for the female population.

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