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31. 10. 2005


NOVI PAZAR, October 31, 2005 – Journalists and other staffers of the regional television station Novi Pazar and Radio Novi Pazar have begun a strike last week, said in the statement of the Union Nezavisnost of the public company Novi Pazar. The staff went on strike after not being paid for almost six months and in protest at the constant pressures and extortion of the management and authorities of the Novi Pazar municipality. The workers demanded the immediate payments of all arrears, 50 percent of salary increase and dismissal of the acting director of the company. “Even though the strike was organized in line with the legal provisions, the employer has not allowed access to the striking workers and discarded our suggestions regarding the fulfillment of the minimum work load. None of the journalists or other striking workers was allowed access to the premises of the RTV. At the same, unidentified persons come and go as they please, while we were offended, humiliated, verbally abused and physically threatened”, said in the statement of the Union. Under the law, the striking workers have the right to appeal to the founder and employer and to address the public, media and journalists and ask for their support and solidarity.

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