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28. 10. 2005


BELGRADE, October 28, 2005 – B92 journalist Brankica Stankovic is the winner of the IJAS’s “Dusan Bogavac” award for ethics and courage. Independent Association of Serbian Journalists (IJAS) has awarded Stankovic, author and editor of the B92’s investigative program Insider, for her outstanding professional approach, analytic and investigative skills, persistence and great courage. “In this messed up society and system of ours, her professional achievement has contributed to better understanding of very important issues, like the circumstances in which the Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic was murdered, obstruction of the court trial and flaws in our security system and judiciary”, said this year’s jury. Brankica Stankovic will be presented with the award on Monday, October 31. The weekly “Evropa” carried a comment of Dusko Boganovic on the investigative program “Insider” and the author Brankica Stankovic: “The first two episodes in the new season of the documentary series ‘Insider’ were the example of brave, challenging, objective and very interesting – well, I’ll say – investigative journalism. Brankica Stankovic has managed to upgrade the disturbing story of corruption in the Serbian judiciary with feature segments and thus offer to viewers the teeth-numbing thriller, the TV documentary genre with emphasized author’s input, in the manner of the best schools in the world (British for instance). The fact that we live in a country where even the Supreme Court judges can be bought off, causes the collective uneasiness, even the honest fear and general paranoia - entirely justified, unfortunately. Stankovic and ‘Insider’ have done their job. What about the rest?”

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