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04. 11. 2005


PRAGUE, November 4, 2005 – A traditional Media-Forum, organized by MDLF, will start today in Prague, for the independence media representatives from twenty eight countries. The two-day forum will cover many topics, such as newsroom financing, management and organisation, as well as several topical discussions on the main challenges of modern journalism. Altapress representative Yuri Purgin, AMIN’s Khalid Abu Akir and Mihail Kumok from “Melitopolska vedomosti” will elaborate on the issue is the ethics in journalism the way to lose readers, listeners, viewers and money. Ljubica Markovic from the Beta News Agency, Yuri Fedotinov from Echo of Moscow Radio and Hose Ruben Zamora from El Periodico will discuss sources’ reliability and use and misuse of sources, which is generally seen as a sore spot of journalism in many countries in transition. The privatisation of media and influx of domestic and foreign capital will be discussed within the topical segment “To welcome investors or not?” Anticipated speakers on the topic are Zoran Borcic from “Novi List” and Veran Matic from RTV B92. Dragan Janjic from the Beta News Agency and Sandra Savic from RTV B92 will talk about the new way to organize desk, influences on editorial policy and quality of reporting. Since 1996, the Media Development Loan Fund has supported over 80 projects of more than 50 independent media from 17 countries of Middle and South East Europe, Russia, Africa, Asia and Latin America with loans, technological modernization or trainings for managers. MDLF currently runs projects in 11 countries.

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