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04. 11. 2005


BELGRADE, November 4, 2005 – The budget for 2006 envisages 1.5 billion dinars to be secured for Radio Television Serbia. The budget envisages paying subsidies to three media outlets and the Broadcast Agency, totaling 1.71 billion dinars, out of which, according to the Government’s special program, 1.5 billion dinars goes to the national television station. The Broadcast Agency will thus get 100 million dinars, “Panorama” publishing company, relocated from Pristina, will secure 84 million, while “Bratstvo” publishing company from Nis will be entitled to 30 million dinars. Council of Serbia-Montenegro Ministers for Information Directorate will secure 211.1 million dinars, while the largest part of the funds, 183.5 million dinars, is envisaged for Tanjug, Radio Jugoslavija, “Filmske Novosti” and “Jugoslovenski Pregled”. These companies carry out informational activities that are in the general interest of the state union, and, under the Implementation of Constitutional Charter Act, they will continue to conduct their work by the time their status is defined by the declaration of Serbia and Montenegro. Furthermore, Tanjug is envisaged to get additional 10 million dinars as a donation from the Serbian Culture Ministry.

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