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17. 11. 2005


BELGRADE, November 17, 2005 – Persons with disabilities will be exempt from the TV subscription charge, under the Article 82, Paragraph 1 of the Broadcast Act. This applies to the households having at least one member with 100 percent invalidity, a member with less then 100 percent of disability with provided day care allowance under the provisions of the specific regulations, or a person with permanent loss of sight or hearing. To be granted the exemption, a citizen must provide full documentation of the relevant institutions and bodies together with the electricity bill and TV subscription fee. Beside the required documentation, a citizen must fill out the exemption claim form available at the EPS counters and lodge it to the following address: Radio Television Serbia – RTV subscription, Kneza Viseslava 88, 11030 Belgrade. The form can also be lodged at the local EPS branch office. RTS assesses the claims and notifies the applicant.

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