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19. 11. 2005


RUMA, November 19, 2005 – Radio Srem from Ruma got back its frequency and resumed its program broadcasting after 12 days of silence. Frequency of Radio Srem, 102.7 MHz, was usurped by the Belgrade radio station “Radio Three”. After the intervention of the Serbian Telecommunication Agency, Radio Three was ordered to halt the program broadcast within two days. Otherwise, the Agency would be forced to act in line with the provisions of the Telecommunication Act. Radio Three did not have a regular license required under the provision of the Act, and has been illegally using the frequency of Radio Srem. The radio station was fined with 60.000 dinars for this offence. “The examination of the license record at the Ministry for Capital Investments – telecommunication department showed that the Radio Three was not registered and has been working without the proper licenses. Their program was blocking the signal of the Radio Srem from Ruma, so they have been ordered to halt the broadcast. Radio Srem received full support of numerous media, journalists’ associations, the Agency, People’s Office and others committed to help us resolve our problem. Otherwise, this would only mean solidarity with the banditry in the ether”, said director of Radio Srem Ruma, Zorica Borojevic.

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