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25. 11. 2005


BELGRADE, November 25, 2005 – B92 website is again marked with one million figure. This time, the focus of attention is B92’s forum. After just one month of reaching one million of opened B92 website pages, the Forum B92 has received one million messages on Tuesday, November 22, 2005. The Forum B92 was introduced in May 2000 as a separate segment of B92’s website. The mail goal was to establish the communication with Radio B92 listeners, who could follow the radio program only on the internet, due to the repression of the then regime toward the independent media. Current statistics show that Forum B92 has around 7.000 regular visitors with around 75.000 visits a day. Although Forum B92 was intended at first for political discussions only, today it represents a wide on-line community that gathers “serious discussion group of people” that participate in debates on political, social, economic and scientific topics. The one-millionth message registered on Forum B92 was related to the on-line game that lasts for several years now, which only proves that besides grave issues, for which it is known for, the forum has also a “sunny” side where people share recipes, favorite books and so on, which only contributes to the important value of this on-line community.

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