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09. 12. 2005


BELGRADE, December 9, 2005 (Beta) – A round table on self-regulation of media was held today in Belgrade. The self-regulation of the media can be achieved by the joint code of ethics of the relevant journalists’ associations and the setting up of the Media Council, said the participants of the conference. The coordinator for legal initiatives of the Human Rights Committee Dejan Milenkovic said the joint code and media council were essential for creating an appropriate ethical frame in journalism. Member of the Media Council and Editor-in-Chief of the Beta News Agency Dragan Janjic said the Association of the Serbian Journalists (UNS) and Independent Association of the Serbian Journalists (NUNS) were jointly working on the creation of the code, which should be done by the end of this year. President of the Association of Serbian Journalists Ninoslav Brajovic said the self-regulation was perhaps the only way for improvement of the ethical standards and prevention of unethical media.

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