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17. 12. 2005


BELGRADE, December 17, 2005 – The responsibility for obstructing the frequency allocation tender continues to be tossed between two agencies and one ministry. The Telecommunications Agency (RATEL) denied accusations for being responsible for obstructing the implementation of the Frequency allocation plan and accused the Capital Investment Ministry of blocking the work of the Agency. President of the Agency for Telecommunication Managing Board Jovan Radunovic said although the agency was formed, its work had been obstructed by the Government which failed to provide them with necessary facilities and equipment. Radunovic accused the Capital Investment Ministry at the press conference for denying them access to the data base of the control centers, and for failing to supply the Agency with computers and software necessary for their operations. Radunovic also said the Ministry intended to amend the law to legalize the present state. Radunovic urged the Serbian Government to enable the Agency to take over all authorizations envisaged by the Telecommunication Act. The Broadcast Agency earlier accused RATEL for obstructing the adoption of the Frequency Allocation Plan and urged the Government to grant the Agency’s authority to the Capital Investment Ministry.

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