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21. 12. 2005


BELGRADE, December 21, 2005 – B92 voted best TV, best radio station, and houses the best TV host, best journalist and best show according to a media poll by Status magazine. B92 journalist Brankica Stankovic, the author of the Insider TV show, has been voted the journalist of the year in a traditional New Year's survey of over 100 journalists and editors from a large number of Serbia's prominent media outlets. Dragan Bujosevic, the host of For Serbs Silence Won't Do talk show and NIN news magazine's columnist, and Teofil Pancic, VREME news magazine's columnist, came second and third respectively. Pancic also ranked second in the Column of the Year category, with Milos Vasic treading on his heels in the third place. Interestingly enough, this category has had no laureate this year. Dragan J. Vucicevic from Kurir daily newspaper has won the title in the Embarrassment for Journalist Profession category (thanks to his 'primitivism and abusive language'). Isidora Bjelica (Klot-Frket TV show) and Aleksandar Tijanic follow closely as second and third respectively. BLIC newspaper came out on top in the Newspaper of the Year category, followed by Politika and Novosti. Serbia's worst newspapers are Srpski Nacional, Kurir and Start. Vreme has been voted the best periodically published magazine with NIN and Status breathing down its neck while the worst are Skandal, Svet and Tabloid. B92 is the best television broadcaster, say the polled journalists in the survey, followed by RTS 1 and Studio B respectively. TV B92's The Impression of the Week talk show is voted the best TV programme with another two B92 programmes sitting on its tail - Insider investigative journalism show and Polygraph talk show. Television personality of the year is B92's Jugoslav Cosic, the Polygraph talk show host, with Olja Beckovic, The Impression of the Week host, and Goran Dimitrijevic, TV B92 news presenter, ranking second and third. And it does not stop there. B92 is also the best radio broadcaster with Belgrade One and Belgrade 202 trailing behind. Radio B92's show The Hourglass was voted the best program on the airwaves, followed by Index Finger and Igor Brakus Show (another two Radio B92 productions).

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