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24. 12. 2005


BELGRADE, December 24, 2005 – ANEM National News reporter Milan Popovic is this year’s laureate of the Zoran Mamula award for achievement in radio journalism for the his piece titled “S one strane uma” (On the Other Side of Sanity) made at the Psychiatric Hospital 'Laza Lazarevic' in Belgrade. Popovic (25) is the youngest laureate of the award. Having recently graduated from the Faculty of Political Science in Belgrade, today he said that he had realized it was possible to make a career advance in journalism without having to be well connected in the profession. Jury member and chief editor of Radio Belgrade 1, Dusan Radulovic, said that 60 contributions by 50 journalists competed for the award, adding that there has been significant progress in their quality, which was evidence that things more moving forward in radio journalism. The jury said that Popovic had effectively used archive and on-site recordings to present a telling story about this medical facility and its inmates. Zoran Mamula was one of the founders of Radio B92 and a symbol of its news program. He died in December 2001 at the age of 37.

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