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25. 12. 2005


CACAK, VRANJE, PIROT, December 25, 2005 – Soon after the announcement of selling TV BK, the media carried the news that Bogoljub Karic intends to buy several local TV stations in Serbia. Radio Television “Oko sokolovo” in Gadzin Han was leased to RTV Galaksija 32 from Cacak on 20 years. The owner of this television station, Misula Petrovic, is a member of the Strength of Serbia Movement Head Council, led by Bogoljub Karic. As B92 unofficially learnt from the sources of this party, Karic also started negotiations for buying TV Pirot. B92 also learnt that Karic intends to buy TV Zajecar and TV Vranje, however, this information has not yet been confirmed. According to the member of the Broadcast Council Slobodan Djoric, buying of several regional televisions would enable Karic to create a network which would cover the entire territory of Serbia, without the legal licence for national coverage. Djoric also said the networking of these television stations was possible in terms of daily broadcast of up to three hours of the same program; however, the potential lease of the television would be against the provisions of law.

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