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29. 12. 2005


NOVI SAD, December 29, 2005 – Vojvodina Executive Council was frequently present in the media reports this year, mainly due to the activities of the council and a good cooperation with journalists, said Vojvodina Information Secretary Milorad Djuric at the yesterday’s traditional New Year’s Cocktail Party, greeting the representatives of the media that cover the work of the Council. Summarizing the results, Djuric expressed his content with the way the year had passed. He pointed out that the great attention was given to the minority reporting since, as he said, every culture had the right to information and reporting in its own language, which only supported the protection of identity of the province. Journalists were also greeted by the Vojvodina Prime Minister Bojan Pajtic, who also expressed satisfaction for the successful conduct in the past year. “The provincial administration proved to be the most economic in the country, since it didn’t record any pay rise, or affairs”, said Pajic. Pajtic announced the plans for cuts in administration staff next year, which envisaged the release of 112 staff members. Pajtic expressed belief that 2006 would be marked with successful development, as far as the available funds of the province allow it, despite the fact that activities would focus on the costs cuts and assistance to most socially handicapped citizens.

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